01 November, 2005

why have tears. they do absolutely nothing.

why i'm fighting back what i want to do so bad. i don't know. i know it will hurt. but i want that hurt i think. i'm hurting to much not from anything emotional from him this time but that what he says just gets me so angry and that i can feel and want to do things i know are so wrong but i just don't care. that's where the hurt it. ugh. i hate this. and then my cousin. my favorite person. if our mom were the same instead of sisters we would be twins. and she's hurting all the way up there. gosh. what to do. ugh. just struggling so bad. i hate this. i just want to leave. go away. never see him again. ever. ever. where is mr. magnet poetry?? oh. i just can't stand this. and i can't stand that tear that keeps coming to my eye that i refuse to let go any further. why does this have to hurt so much. i can't stand to take any more of it. i need to get away. get away from it all.

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