10 May, 2007

dance with me tonight.

this has been pretty busy. not busy enough for my lack of energy though.
i'll be going home sometime this summer. still trying to figure out when. i wish someone would go with me. just not sure i'm ready to do it. well actually i know that i am. but not sure how i can hold myself up. creature will be there. and that will make the world. i miss her. it's been since october. that is far to long of a separation of the creatures. it's quite disturbing. no one will probably understand as much as us. i'm tired of being so far away from her. maybe i should for the next 6 months. but after 3 she'd be gone. not as far but still. this just ugh.
today i have 8 people in orientation. it's ridiculous. and after i left austin was still hiring people. his comment to me on the way out was this is going to be one record of an orientation. and then laughed. i said thanks. hopefully everyone will have their paperwork finished.
will i ever get that dance...
my stomach is in knots. i'm trying to do this to get my mind off of it all but it's not helping anymore.

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