God is beyond words amazing. there is no way i can describe it or even imagine it. He is working through me right now and just giving me peace. last night was hurtful. it's been hurting for a while. but i think that i realized a lot of things. only by God could i know them. still there are so many things that i wish i could say that i can't but maybe i am not supposed to say them. here's a few quotes i found that relate to some of the things i am feeling. i guess that's what you could say.
laughter is an instant vacation._milton berle
it is within the families themselves where peace can begin._susan partnow
to learn to succeed you must first learn to fail._michael jordan
it's the friends you can call up at four am that matter._marlene dietrich
keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to._author unknown
now this is the most important one yet so you have to read it carefully :^) :
the irish gave the bagpipes to the scots as a joke, but the scots haven't got the joke yet._oliver herford