12 October, 2006


today was an odd day. not sure what i'm feeling right now. i'm hurt i know that. i'm also feeling ok though. i'm confused.
why do you care so much. what's your deal. why would you sit there just to tell me every detail to get me to breathe normal again. why would you spend the time to listen to me shed those tears. why would you call until i answer. why do you want me to come. why do you want to teach and show me. why do you go further than you would ever be asked to. why are you helping me. how come i know that if i hit call you would answer. how come you want me to know things. you want me to be able to see as others do, why.
you complicate things. or maybe it's me.
but i do not understand that whatsoever. i don't understand how come you go further than you would ever be asked to.
i thank you. I THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. for showing me what this smile really is and means.
laundry needs to hurry up. i have to pack. ugh.

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