well thursday i was at work. i had 2 more things to do and then i was done. i would've been done before i had planned on so nicole and i would have had more time. well riggle and i had to talk to austin about banquets and buying clothes so we went. well she got really excited about a banquet and stepped into me. she stepped on my foot and caught herself on the line. well i fell down. a bustub of bean bowls fell (neither one of us knows which one hit them. we don't remember feeling it.) some of them broke. we could not stop laughing. so i picked up the broken pieces and put the bustub of unbroken bean bowls back and stood up. i felt as if i could not breathe and my back was tense and having sharp pains. austin sent me to the clinic to find out i pulled something in my back. told to wear a back brace and take medicine for a week. i'm supposed to go back and see him again tomorrow. i'm feeling a lot better now. well i left there and went and met up with nicole. we went and saw esteban at sito's 1. it was exciting. we decided what changes we thought they should make to improve their store. haha. then we headed to wharehouse live.
the concert was so beyond amazing. i fell in love with this band maxeen! they make me smile oh so very much. well when halifax came on and these idiots that showed up to the show late decided to start a mosh pit. they hit me right in the back. it hurt so bad. immediately after they hit me the security got up to stop it and then halifax stopped playing to say to enjoy the show but not to start that stuff. ugh. i wish it could of been before they hit me. well later when the spill canvas was playing i saw tim the lead singer of sugarcult across in the ballroom so i told nicole seeing that she's in love with him to go over there. of course she was getting to nervous so we went and i got maxeens cds. the old one and their brand new one that you can't buy in stores yet! so yay! and we met shannon from maxeen!! he's so funny. well then after we waited and she got to meet tim and take her pic with him and all. haha she's so cute. and then sugarcult came on.
it was so beyond amazing. i really like them. i'm glad she introduced me to them. it's nicoles favorite band. they are good on the cd but they are truly outstanding live. so yay! we are going to see them when they come back.
saturday i thankfully had a break and got to eat at niko niko's wtih desi. it was nice.
sunday i went to kaleo and enjoyed being next to richard and being able to worship with him. afterwards markandsarah, michaelandlauren, jessieandbecca, amy, mason, maleah, drew, tracy, CLINT, and i went to goode co. and had a wonderful lunch. then that evening i was able to spend it with my mom.
it was nice. we got pizza hut stuffed crust pizza. which i had been craving. and then i got 4 dvds from blockbuster because they were having a sale and we watched elizabethtown. it was a cute movie.
yesterday i was having a pretty ok day and then. ugh. it just stopped in a heartbeat. i didn't know how to respond to what was going on. i didn't know how to deal with what i was feeling. luckily someone was there to help. somewhat. i'm so happy that i was able to talk to them. i had a interesting dinner with my brother and sister since i won't really see them before i go to newyork.
afterwards i went and had a nice chat with amy at brazil coffee house. i never knew of this place but i really liked it there. i'm definitely looking forward to going back. yay! but anyways we had such an enjoyful conversation. i'm really glad we were able to do this. we are so much more a like than i realized. she makes me smile.
today i'm going to be very busy. right now i'm doing something that i've been wanting to do for so long but have been procrastinating. putting all of my newer cds on my ipod. what finally pushed me over the edge was my creature. haha. i love her so and can not wait to see her on saturday. yay! i miss her. ugh. but then i have so much shopping to do for new york and for riggle. i can't wait to surprise her tomorrow morning. yay. but then i also have to drop my bro and sis off at practices make it out to community groups come home load more music while i do my laundry and maybe go to the store otherwise i will finish that with my long list of things to do tomorrow as well.
thursday i go to new york.
in a couple weeks i see nick!
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