14 August, 2005

rambling on...

i just heard hey ya on the radio and i got that feeling again. tomorrow it'll be good though i'm going to stop by 1317 around 3:00 and chill for a little while so it'll all be good. i can't wait. now i'm really excited. i love debbie. she's awesome. she always is making me feel so good. she always makes really good food too. where she gets all the ideas i don't know but God blessed her with a great talent. but no she said something to me tonight which just really meant a lot. it really made me feel better about stuff. God's amazing in the way He works. i love Him. well sarah is going to move in with lauren and i when we get our apartment after we get back from new york and im so excited. it'll be so awesome. i love sarah. she's so beautiful and amazing. so i'm really really really excited about that. it really sucks when you know if you ask that person to sleep over at your house and you already know the response is going to be no because of someone you live with and that they're not even allowed to. or even those that would be able to would probably not even want to. that really sucks. mark did such an awesome job today. he had a really good message. it went really well and i know how excited he was over it so that made me glad when i heard it and it came out so great. he's so funny he makes me laugh. today even though i got a couple harsh comments or rude comments or whatever you want to say i'm upset yes but i'm not to angry it's just upsetting and if you think about it how childish and stupid. i just keep thinking wow what an idiot but then i think well that was pretty rude but that same thought pops back up in my head. and i just anticipate tomorrow because it's going to be a really good day and it's a fresh start even though knowing that the day is probably going to start wrong but i'll just try to ignore it and make up for it. i really can't wait until community group tomorrow. once again it's my home group and i love them so much. but tomorrow we are throwing a surprise birthday party for lauren (it's ok to say that because she never reads this even though sometimes i kind of wished she did) and they are throwing something of the sort for me. it was supposed to be a surprise but they all kind of started telling me when i was telling them how i was planning lauren's so it made me laugh. i'm really tired. God just blows me away. He seems to astonish me more and more every day. i love just sitting there talking to Him or reading His word. just wow! how can that now blow you away in itself. and sometimes it doesn't and you are just like why? or what? but it's still so amazing and you just keep growing and falling in love with God even more. argh. my shoulder is bugging me. i think i need to use the heating pad tonight. i love kaleo! they are all so awesome. my birthday is on saturday and i will finally be 18! i'm so excited! well i'm just going to let God rest my heart and sing me to sleep.


Anonymous said...

you rock, emily. i'll see you tomorrow night!

CanadianYankee said...

thanks bill. you're so awesome.

Anonymous said...

emily, YOU are beautiful and amazing. i am so blessed to have a friendship with a girl like you. you're more special than you know.

Anonymous said...

uh, i didnt hurt you feelings on any of my comments did I? when I said you would get over it I didnt mean that to come out harsh or ugly...I just meant that you will over come that pain. Trust me I know your pain because I struggled with it for a good 5 years...you're WAY stronger than me! Love you!

CanadianYankee said...

sarah- thanks. i love you. thanks for coming last night. you guys are awesome. you're more beautiful than i am for sure.
shannon-no you didn't. those comments none you gave me. they were from my stepdad. i'm sorry for misleading you or whatever i didn't mean for it to come out that way!! if i ever had a problem i'ld just beat you up. hehe. just kidding. no i'ld tell you i wouldn't write it. sorry again.