01 August, 2006

¡tengo el mejor día jamás!

well i'm just having such and awesome day and it is only going to continue so i could not help but stop and write some before i got up and continued to go. like i said this morning i spent it with these 2 freaking awesome hartley kids. i could not have asked for a better morning. i love them to death. we had so much fun. i got to meet mason's best friend sarah. and she's a sweetheart. i got to go down the fireman pole and feel like a real fireman. i got to be pounded into the floor by maleah. i got tons of hugs and kisses. i got to clean only because mason insisted and if i stopped then i got yelled at. we went to chic-fil-a. oh what fun. except for all the bullies in the kids area that were picking on my mason. all the moms thought he was my son. and even when i explained the story still insisted that he was mine. and of course it did not help that back to back mason and maleah came up calling me mom or mama. that made me laugh because i don't even know why they did but it was right at the perfect timing that made me feel like such a liar. i wish they were my kids though. i love them sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!! they didn't want me to leave today! that made me feel special. and they made me another drawing to go with their other one hanging in my room. and then after i left i stopped by my favorite flower shop off of fannin right before main. i believe it is the flower garden. i absolutely love that place! the orchard i want went down from $25 to $15 and i'm sort of suspicious to by it now because that is weird that they would mark down a flower. but anyways i went to get laurie a bouquet that ended up being beautiful. she loved it and so did i. yay! then as i got home i got this phone call from my amazing friend sarah who would like me to join her and her husband for dinner. then we will be having dessert at pappasito's so i can see nicole before i go. ugh. i'm still upset. but i will not let that ruin my awesome day. and then after that my drew is coming over and supposively 'helping' me pack but yeah that would be awkward so we'll probably just talk as i freak out. no sleep again tonight.

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