18 June, 2008

what else to say when you're lost for words.

forgive me because i'm not used to this.
nor do i understand it really.
well at least when it comes to me.
yet doesn't that seem to always be the way.
i want to keep a conversation going because i just want to keep talking to them but sometimes the only word that could possibly come to mind is blah. what is blah going to do? will the reception of that be taken correctly? what if the response is what? then what do you say? so i sit here thinking of things that i could possibly say yet keep thinking that they are not good enough. then remind myself it doesn't matter because it's 00.03. then i think of a thousand other things.
one. what do i do?
two. you're to far away.
three. yes, i know. even if you were here you'd probably still be to far away.
four. please be patient.
five. when you walk out of the room, i wish you hadn't.
six. no matter what, you're amazing.
seven. i'm afraid.
yeah... just a brief look into what's going on up there. not that i can completely make sense of it all myself. much less expect anyone else to. 
just sitting here thinking.
once again.
probably to much.

i need some guidance.

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